Rules & Regulations



Monday – Friday : 10:00am to 4:00pm

Saturday : 9:00am to 1:00 pm



Students should be punctual and regular in attending classes. 75% percent attendance is compulsory in each of the subjects. According to Bangalore University, Students will be allowed to write the examination only if they fulfill all the requirements and follow the rules and regulations laid down by the University of Bangalore, Pre-University Board.


Code of Conduct

  • Discipline should be maintained in the institution.
  • Students are expected to maintain the decorum of the institution.
  • Decent behaviour, respect for others and good mannerism are expected of students who become the part of this institution.
  • Loitering and passing time in the basement or in the parking lot are not allowed.
  • Use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited within the campus.
  • Ragging of any sort, physical or psychological, is strictly prohibited within the campus and will be dealt with very severely.
  • Insubordination and rude behaviour-Verbal, Physical or written abuse of any kind to the teaching, non-teaching and support staff of the college will be strictly dealt with. Repeated violation of rules can lead to rustication.
  • Harassment-verbal, physical, emotional and sexual will not be tolerated and will be strictly dealt with.
  • Students are required to wear the uniform on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Modest dress on other days.
  • There should be no damage to the institutional property in the class rooms or in the campus. Any damages cost are subject to fine/recovery.
  • Students should keep the campus clean.

Examination and Results

The college conducts class tests and preparatory exams in each semester. Conduct of semester Exams and announcement of results will be as per the Calendar of Events of Bangalore University.

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15th Cross Road, Malleshwaram, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560003

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